Green Urbane

Public Sector Advisory

Green Urbane offers Public-Private Partnership (PPP) and infrastructure advisory services for all sectors including utilities, transportation, and social infrastructure. Our services revolve around the provision of the efficient bid and tender services while expediting deal realization. Keeping the best interests of our clients in mind, we offer top-notch advisory services that benefit both the public and private sectors.

Pre-feasibility and Feasibility Studies

Our PPP and project advisory services are based on preliminary feasibility studies that enable us to develop a clear understanding of project viability by looking at financial performance, market standing, and model development. Detailed feasibility analysis is conducted once our clients show a willingness to move forward. By leveraging social impact analysis and risk assessment, we assess the practicality of your project to help you make an informed decision.

Financial Modelling and Project Finance

Our highly experienced consultants are well-versed in financial modeling and can convert commercial gibberish into insightful financial analysis for you to make an informed decision. We take pride in empowering our clients by enabling them to understand the viability of their projects. Green Urbane uses tried and tested techniques for risk modeling and developing solutions that ultimately help with tender documentation and contracts.

PPP Tender Documents Development

Unable to decide which contractor suits your needs? Let us help you award your PPP contract to select the fittest and obtain the desired outputs and outcomes of the project. The consultants at Green Urbane use their industry knowledge and sophisticated tools to streamline the procurement process for you. The full-scale support provided by us encompasses the tender and bidding process along with the development of necessary documents such as RFQ, RFP, and concession agreement. We scope out the financial and technical qualifications of the potential bidders and evaluate their viability using matrices and best practices to provide you with a comprehensive evaluation of the bids.

PPP Tender Process Management

Green Urbane strives to bring stakeholders like investors, banks, equity providers, and governments on the same page by ensuring transparency at every stage. We are committed to implementing globally recognized best practices as well as lessons learned over the years to entertain the requirements of all stakeholders to the best of our abilities. This has enabled us to develop a healthy environment for project finance where the government procurement process can reach a successful financial close without damaging and causing investor-fatigue to the competing consortiums.

We Empower Public and Private Sector Organizations through Cutting-edge Advisory Services.