Public Sector Advisory
PPP Tender Documents Development
PPP Tender Documents Development
Unable to decide which contractor suits your needs? Let us help you award your PPP contract to select the fittest and obtain the desired outputs and outcomes of the project. The consultants at Green Urbane use their industry knowledge and sophisticated tools to streamline the procurement process for you. The full-scale support provided by us encompasses the tender and bidding process along with the development of necessary documents such as RFQ, RFP, and concession agreement. We scope out the financial and technical qualifications of the potential bidders and evaluate their viability using matrices and best practices to provide you with a comprehensive evaluation of the bids.

Drafting PPP/Concession Agreements
Cut down on the transaction costs with the aid of insights that can help you unlock a simplified bidding process. We take pride in helping our clients breeze through the process of implementing PPP based infrastructure projects by drafting streamlined concession agreements that take into account all legal aspects and commercial technicalities.
Preparation of RFQs and Evaluation Matrices
Green Urbane offers services that help government entities in developing a fair bidding system for PPP based infrastructure projects. Our consultants provide RFQ preparation services to our clients to help them identify the right entities by providing them a list of potential bidders. Based on the qualities and qualifications of the bidders, our clients select the right fit keeping in mind the technical needs and financial limitations of the project.
Preparation of RFPs and Evaluation Guidebooks
Our clients entrust us with the preparation of comprehensive communication in the form of RFPs for qualified bidders. RFPs provide project insight by highlighting project essentials such as scope, expectations, commercial framework, capital requirement, and asset allocation. The consultants at Green Urbane are highly skilled in assisting with the bid evaluation process based on the insights provided in the RFP.